Halooo...it's been a while since my last post...well...been busy doing things and going here and there 😉
Well, tonight i just want to update about my collage reunion called STP - IISIP ReuniVaganza. STP stands for Sekolah Tinggi Publisistik, it was my campus old name befor it turned to IISIP (Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik) Jakarta.
The reunion was great, not only collides with the class of 1970's - 2010, but we also get the chance to see Iwan Fals on stage! Yes , he once also studied at STP.
It was great to meet all of my friends...some of them i didn't know...but most of them i knew for such a long time ago! ahahahaha
Here's some of the picures i would like to share: